Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9-10 weeks

OK everyone I'm back!!!! My crazy busy weeks and weekends are over and I can get back to the things I enjoy now. I missed you guys so much! I am so behind on reading and writing! Today I am actually 11 weeks (holy crow when did I get here?) but I am going to post what I wrote last week at 10 weeks. I was so behind I combined 9-10 weeks. I will be back later tonight with my 11 week post and lots of pictures since I am going to my OBGYN tonight.

I can't wait to catch up on all your lives!

Written Tuesday September 18th.

Due date:  According to my ovulation day my due date is April 16, 2013.

How far along?: 10 weeks

Total weight loss/gain: As of the day before my IUI I was 206. This morning I was 204.6.
Ugh! I lost weight! I am eating as much as I can. Any suggestions of high calorie, healthy snacks? Maybe nuts and dried fruit?

What's going on with the babies?: I saw Roo and Squirt at 9 weeks and they were doing great. They were both measuring 8w6d and their heart rates were good. Dr Monty didn't tell us the rates though. He had an old U/s machine and when he was looking at them the screen angle was bad so I couldn't see much. I saw their jelly bean shaped sacs and bigger blobs of babies. We didn't get to see or hear their little flickering hearts. At 10 weeks our babies should be about 1.2 inches (3cm) long from crown to rump. Our babies' faces are taking shape and now have distinct noses and lips. Their fingers and toes have lengthened and separated and their elbows and wrists have formed so they can bend and move now. Their placentas have taken over fully and the yolk sac is shrinking away.

What's going on with my body?: In the past 2 weeks everything has changed. My fatigue isn't as bad anymore and this past week I have been feeling so good. I haven't thrown up in 2 weeks and my gag reflex seems to be getting back to normal. I hardly feel gross at night anymore and it seems like I am able to eat more in one sitting. I still hit a wall sometimes when eating where I know I won't feel well if I even take one more bite. Every once in a while I feel some pulling and pinching and it feels like I have a string tied to the back of my belly button and our babies are pulling at it.

What does the belly look like?: This week the Hubby said my lower belly looks a little bigger to him. It probably is, but I can't see it. Maybe if I take a belly shot and compare I will see it. Sorry no 9 or 10 week belly shot.

Maternity clothes: Nothing yet, but my too big jeans are definitely getting a little tighter. We will see how much longer I can go before I need to buy pants. All of you who carried twins, when did you need to get maternity pants?

Movement: Nothing yet, but my book says they are wiggling around in there.

Sleep: I have been sleeping well. I am getting up to pee more during the night, but I am able to go right back to sleep after.

Cravings/aversions: I think I had my first craving right before 9 weeks. I saw a picture of candy corn online somewhere and it sounded really good. It was really late at night so the Hubby didn't get me some then. He did get me a whole bunch the next day though. I still haven't finished the bag. I think I have a slight aversion to sweets. I can eat a little hand full of candy every once in a while, but the smell or even thought sometimes of cake or cookies grosses me out. I have tried to eat them and I immediately feel gross. I seem to like savory rather than sweet right now. I have also noticed I can't stand the smell of bacon cooking and eggs are kinda gross.

Sex of the baby: Won't find out for a while. Hubby wants to and I don't. That might be a problem.

Names: We have started to talk about names more and actually write them down. I need to get my name book back from my cousin so I can really see what jumps out at us. Unfortunately I can't really ask for it back without her getting suspicious so I guess I have to wait a couple more weeks till we tell everyone.

What I miss: I kinda miss sleeping on my belly. I didn't do it often, but some nights it was the only comfortable position.

What I am looking forward to: Hopefully seeing our babies wiggle for the first time at 11 weeks!

Mood: I have been feeling pretty good, but the past few days there was an issue with my MIL. She said and did a few things that upset me on Sunday and I just couldn't let it go. I spent most of Monday crying. I finally felt better yesterday after I had a talk with her and made sure she knew how upset I was. I will write all about it soon.

Milestones: I can't really think of any. Oh, wait. I think feeling better might be one. Maybe I'm getting into the feeling better part of pregnancy.

Medical concerns: I have had lots of congestion, runny nose and post nasal drip from this pregnancy. A few days ago the weather changed a bit here and my allergies kicked in bad. Today I woke up feeling horrible. So congested, runny nose, stiff neck and my face feels like it's going to explode from the pressure. I went to the Dr because I knew it was a sinus infection and I wanted to make sure I didn't have strep too. Strep was negative and I was right, I do have a sinus infection. I was given an antibiotic that is safe so hopefully I will feel better soon.

Sex?: I have cooled off a bit, but it's still good.

Best moment of the week: When the Hubby kissed my belly for the first time.

Hows Daddy?: Daddy is sick just like me. Poor guy. We have been going to bed so early that we have forgotten to read the pregnancy book in over a week. We need to get back to that because I think he feels more connected when we do.

Nursery: We are almost done with changing our computer room into a guest room! Our friends are coming over to help move some furniture and it will be ready for my FIL. I will post a pic next week when it is done.


  1. I am so excited to see this update! :) I've been thinking of you and am so excited to see updated pics of Baby Roo and Baby Squirt!

  2. I am so glad you and the babies are doing well! Looking forward to your 11 week post and some ultrasound pictures.

  3. Yay! Great updated. I'm not having twins, but honestly, I started wearing maternity pants around 10-11 weeks. I just poofed out really quickly and I was sick of being uncomfortable in my clothes :)

    1. I would have been in maternity clothing at like 8 or 9 weeks if I hadn't lost weight. My jeans were about a size too big so I have had and still have some room. Probably within the next couple weeks.

  4. Look at you go on the nursery progress! Glad you are feeling better except for the stupid allergies which are hitting me hard too.

    1. Yea people are getting hit really hard this year! Everyone I know is congested.

  5. So glad to hear all of these updates, especially that you're not feeling too sick anymore!

  6. Great update! I started wearing maternity jeans at 12 weeks. I'm gonna tell you right now, go straight to Motherhood Maternity and get their boot cut plus size petite jeans. I'm still wearing them at 32 1/2 weeks! These are the only jeans I've found that actually stay up (don't bother with Old Navy, which slide down constantly.) Here's a link: http://www.motherhood.com/Product.asp?Product_Id=992810378&MasterCategory_Id=MC6

    Foods with high protein: cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, protein bars, nuts, nut butters (peanut, cashew, almond, etc.)


    1. Thanks for the info. I remember reading when you got your jeans and am planning on going straight to Motherhood Maternity. Thanks for the link! It's really nice to get lots of info from another plus size Mommy and even more that we are both having twins!

      I used to eat cottage cheese, but it's grossing me out right now. I think it's a texture thing. I try to eat greek yogurt every day and a handful of no salt mix of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, dried cherries and dried cranberries. Peanut butter is my go to snack! For a while PB&J was the only dinner I could eat. I'm gonna have to get some protein bars. I guess I'm doing all I can right now. Thanks for the info!

  7. I started wearing maternity pants at 8 weeks. I had been wearing a belly band since about 6 weeks, but that only lasted two weeks as I found it uncomfortable. My pants quit fitting me comfortable during our ivf cycle and I put up with it until I found out I was pregnant. But then I was tired of being uncomfortable. So I just bought some big maternity pants knowing I would grow into them. And I did. I am now 25 weeks and have just this past week had to buy more maternity pants because I have outgrown all the ones I bought at 8 weeks.

    I love cheese sticks and peanut butter sandwiches for quick filling snacks.

    1. I think I would have been in maternity pants from 8 weeks too if I didn't have jeans that were to big on me already. I might have a couple more weeks in my "fat pants".

      I love both of those too! We always have cheese sticks and PB sandwiches are my go to. I always love PB, but I think it's an obsession now that I'm pregnant.


  8. Awesome! I can't wait for another update.

  9. Hooray! So glad you are back, doing well, and feeling better! Looking fwd to seeing some pics!

    Don't worry at all about the weight loss! I lost some in the first trimester too, and only now at 18 weeks have I started to see the scale tip. The doc says its normal. My baby and belly are definatly growing, but the pounds just started to go up. It's amazing how hungry I am nowadays! But eggs still gross me out for some reason:)

    You'll start to see the scale rising and the belly rounding out very soon... especially with twins!
    So exciting! :)

    1. Yea I was so worried since I was losing weight that they weren't getting enough and apparently they are on track so I guess I shouldn't worry.

  10. I started wearing maternity pants at 10 weeks, mostly for comfort since my regular pants had already been bordering on too small after meds for ivf, etc. I haven't really started outgrowing anything yet (I'm now 30 weeks with twins), and I definitely second the vote for going to Motherhood. Also, I was just at Target today (their tanks are fantastic, great colors and nice and long so they cover the belly) and they have just put out adorable clothes for fall and winter! I'm jealous that it's pointless for me to purchase at this point (not too much longer left and I live in New Orleans, where it is still crazy hot). Definitely go check it out! Good luck!

    1. Also, I didn't really "pop out" any earlier than ladies pregnant with a singleton. I wish I had, it would have been nice to look pregnant instead of just fatter earlier, but alas, no luck! Just an FYI :)

    2. Yea I will definitely go to Motherhood for the pants and I will look around a a bunch of places for tops because I know Target has great ones and they are so much cheaper! Thanks!

  11. I had a singleton and got maternity pants at 8 weeks. It wasn't that my pants didn't fit, I just felt really uncomfortable in tight pants and couldn't wear sweats to work. Any pressure on my abdomen made me feel like I was going to explode, but I had horrible cramping for most of my first tri.

    1. Yea I would have been like that if I didn't have my "fat jeans" They are still comfortable, but I have heart how comfortable maternity pants are and can't wait!

  12. oooooh can't wait to see belly pics! still SOOOO happy for you girl! :)

  13. Glad that you found time to write; it's great that the twins are still growing well; being sick is not fun so hopefully you guys get better soon; and... oh yes, am sorry to hear about more family stuff getting to you ::HUGS:: Hang in there!

  14. yay!!! so excited for you... :-) so glad you are feeling better too... I threw up for 11 weeks from week 6 to week 17, and I can't tell you how wonderful it was to feel normal again! xxx

  15. Maybe the weight loss thing won't be an issue anymore since you haven't thrown up in 2 weeks?

    I loved the part where you wrote about your hubby kissing your belly for the first time. :)


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