Friday, January 4, 2013

viability, the best Christmas present ever!

Christmas morning I woke up feeling amazing. I was calm and felt so connected to Roo and Squirt again.

We made it, 24 weeks! Viability!

Now, I know this doesn't mean that we are out of the woods, but I am not thinking about that anymore. Reaching 24 weeks did an amazing thing for me. It brought me back to a good place. It brought back my faith. I truly believe these babies will be coming home with us. We will cuddle them and watch the perfect little combination of the Hubby and I grow into their own little people.

New Year's morning I woke up in an even better place. 25 weeks! 2013. A new beginning, a fresh start. I made it a point to put all the old, scary thoughts behind me for good. I don't really make resolutions, but decided to make a few positive changes that make me happy.

Every morning I take the time to just be with my babies. I talk and sing to them. I "play" with them. Every night I make sure the Hubby get's his time with them. I am taking it one day at a time and taking in every moment.

I also am making an effort to get back to blogging. I realized how I have disconnected from this community and I hate that I have and feel horrible how behind I am on everyone's stories. I promise I am back and can't wait to catch up with everyone.

I know I'm late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a safe and healthy New Year! Praying 2013 brings you the desire of your hearts!


  1. So glad to read your voice here, Emily! I've been thinking a lot about you and Roo and Squirt ... you must have heard me. :) Sending hugs to you all!

  2. So glad to see a post from you! and I was just thinking and wondering about you just this morning. I'm so very happy to see you and everything on the up and up!

  3. I too have been wondering about you and your twins. So glad everything is going so well!! Yay :)

  4. wowzers!! 25+ weeks already! congratulations! Great to hear you are in a better place mentally and may the following weeks be great.

  5. so glad you are finally finding some peace with this are already more than halfway there. Before you know if you are going to be posting newborn pics...EEEK!!!!

  6. Yay for 24 weeks which you are past now. What a great way to wake up Christmas morning.

  7. Definitely the best present ever!

  8. This is going by so quickly! Happy New Year to you.

  9. Happy to hear that you are feeling better.

  10. So glad to hear you made it to viability!

    1. 24 weeks is an awesome Christmas present! 25 weeks sounds like such a huge number, too.

  11. Yay!!! 24 weeks is such a milestone!

  12. This is fabulous news, what a great way to start the new year!


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