Thursday, April 12, 2012

"learning" and dreaming

Today I went for my injection class. It was so stupid. Well, for me it was. Part of my job was to draw up injections. I also taught diabetics new to insulin how to us it both in pen form and vials. I have already done 3 cycles with ovidrel. Apparently they don't worry about teaching till you are doing a cycle with injectable FSH.

Anyway, I didn't need it. The nurse also spent most of the class "teaching" us about a menstrual cycle and how the injections mimic what our body is supposed to naturally do. Are you kidding me? Maybe it's just me, but if you are infertile I would think you would know about your menstrual cycle and what it consists of. So I sat in an hour long class trying not to fall asleep.

There were other couples and women there and they were all on their first IUI cycles. I have been through 3 with clomid so it felt strange. I could see it in their eyes how I felt before my first IUI. Sadness that they needed help, fear of not knowing what was going to happen and hope that this is all it will take. It feels like so long ago.

I did find out that I will be using follistim. How many of you out there have used it? I was given the pen and will order the cartridges when we start the cycle. Since I have no problem drawing up my own shots I am going to ask if the vials are cheaper and if so I want to use them instead.


I am kind of excited! I had my very first pregnancy dream EVER! I woke up confused and wondering if it was real. When I realized it wasn't I didn't get sad. I got to see myself pregnant and I was really cute! It was kind of short because the Hubby woke me up when he kissed me good morning and bye before he left for work. This is what I can remember.

I was at the hospital in labor. In a gown and hooked up to monitors and an IV. The Hubby wasn't there yet, but on his way. The nurse was checking my monitors and a huge contraction started (I swear I could feel it) and my water broke. I made a total mess! LOL!

Having this dream made me really happy! Do you think it's a good sign?


  1. I love pregnancy dreams! Yes, good sign for sure :)

  2. Injection class just sounds like something I would hate. I hate those group medical classes. But the pregnancy dream could be a good sign! I never actually had a pregnancy dream, but I was never that pregnant or in labor, so maybe that's why.

    1. Yea you would have hated it. So stupid and irritating.

  3. Follistim is great! I used it with DS. this time i have used gonal f. its the same thing, but i liked the follistim better for some reason. thankfully, my injection "class" was just the nurse showing me how to use the pen. My new RE thankfully didn't make me do that!

    Pregnancy dreams are awesome! Hopefully yours will come true soon!

    1. I wish a nurse could have just showed me quick. I'm so jealous. I hope so too!

  4. I used Bravelle instead of Follistim, which they said was the same drug, it's just in the tiny bottles so you can mix it with Menopur into 1 shot. The fewer shots the better, I say! And I think the Follistim was a little pricier than Bravelle. You might want to look into it! Ugh, that class sounds horrible! Our nurse just showed us how to do the shots in like 5 minutes. What a waste of time!

    1. Yea I am definitely calling to see if there is anything cheaper even though they said they checked with my insurance.

  5. My nurse just gave me a link to the Fertility Lifelines videos and sent me on my way. Hope everything goes smoothly for you this next round!

    1. She gave us the websites too and told us to go over it again when we got home! So stupid. Thanks!

  6. I used the pen last month...just remember to take it out of the fridge for at least 15min before you shoot up. I didn't and spent an hr with uncomfortable cold sensation all over my tummy.They didn't give me the choice of pen or vial so I have no idea which may be cheaper, but the pen is so easy to use. I know I'm no expert but email me if you need anything!
    Let's just pray that dream is foreshadowing!

    1. Yea I did that once with the ovidrel. I thought it was warm enough, but it wasn't. Such a strange feeling. Thanks!

  7. I think the pregnancy dream is a great sign! I used follitism too but mixed it with menopause in one shot. Follitism is the drug I call liquid gold as it is so expensive. I am so excited for you to be taking a new step. I hope this is what does it!

    1. I really think this will be it. This really should work one of these 3 times!

  8. I wish you the best and hope that your dream does come true.

  9. Follistim only comes in the cartridges, though there are others of the same type of drug that are less expensive that you can ask about. Each RE has a preference to which one, though who knows which is better!

    I'm glad you were able to enjoy your first pregnancy dream- my most vivid one came a the end of my IVF TWW, make me poas, then lose my shiz over a bfn. Glad yours was better!

    1. A booklet they gave me shows it in vials too so you can mix it with other stuff if needed. I will definitely be checking with my insurance. I know my RE doesn't care what I use.
      I'm glad my dream came at the beginning of my 2WW and glad it wasn't during a medicated cycle.

  10. well done for getting through that! V proud of you. Chin up :-)


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