Sunday, July 22, 2012

cycle update and a geeky connection

I went back to the RE today for my follicle check. Today is CD 9 and according to my bloodwork I am ready to trigger tonight, so my IUI will be Tuesday morning.

My lining is 11mm which is nice and fluffy (I love that word). I am so glad I don't have any issues with that. Lefty seems to be the winner this time with a 18mm and 19mm. Righty has a 14mm, 13mm and 12mm. Does anyone know if maybe the 14 might make it to be mature enough? Even if it doesn't I have 2 good ones on lefty. Praying though that 1 or 2 on righty release something. The more the merrier in our opinion.

Oh! I forgot to mention in my last 2 follistim cycles that I do have a side effect. I get major fatigue. It usually starts around my 5th or 6th injection and from there I could fall asleep any time of the day. This time it started after the 3rd injection since I was taking 150UI from the beginning. I take at least an hour nap every day and go to bed earlier than I usually do. I'm just totally pooped. A couple of days after the trigger shot my energy comes back full. It's crazy. Anyone else get that?


I was talking to the Hubby today about how big those breakthroughs were for me. I was looking for some "I know how difficult it is to have faith and I'm glad you are back" sort of thing. Instead I got a shrug and a "Welcome to the club. I haven't lost faith at all". I then proceeded to cry a bit.

I told him how all I wanted to hear is that he knows how difficult it is for me and that he is glad that I have my hope and faith back. He felt bad that he upset me and that was not his intention. He told me he didn't want to say he knew how I was feeling because the truth of it is he doesn't and never will. He knows how hurtful it can be when my cousins try to say they know exactly what I am going through and belittle it by comparing me wanting a baby to them wanting a house/car or something of that sort (The house comparison really happened and it still stings) and he didn't want to be that person.

I assured him that is not how I would take it from him at all. Even though he may never know exactly what I am going through and how I am feeling, he is still going through this with me. He is in the trenches and in his own way knows how it feels. Then he went off explaining how he is in the only way he knows how, math/engineering.

"Some people are mathematical and some people are emotional" he said. We both giggled. "I am like 1+2=3 and you are like 1+2= >3". He went on to, "Trying to understand when you explain your emotions to me is like me trying to explain calculus to you". I told him, "I would understand...I guess in theory". "Right" he said. "I only understand what you are going through in theory".

I love when he talks like that. We finally connect about things that may have still been confusing to each other. I don't know if you guys can make any sense of it, but to us it worked.

I love that man.


  1. Your husband sounds adorable.

    I get tired too. In fact, the husband just told me to take a nap. I might just do that!

    I have a coworker who always does the "I totally get what you're going though. I want a house and I don't have one." I was to scream, "If your stupid husband would get off his ass and figure out that playing video games all day does not pay him money, you could get a friggin' house." Instead I just say "I'll trade you my house for your kid." That shuts her up for about 5 minutes.

    1. That's what I said to my cousin. Wanna trade? I also asked her if she would trade her baby for a house.

      He is adorable :)

    2. Ha! Love that you asked your cousin if she'd trade her baby for a house! Too funny. I hope it made her reconsider her situation!

  2. Yay! Sounds like you are ready to go for Tuesday. Hooray. Hoping and praying for you. My IUI will be next week so let's hope we both get preggers together, hehe! Glad you and your hubby connected too. Those moments are fantastic!

    1. It would be so awesome if we were preggers together! Thanks Slynn!

  3. Best of luck with your IUI this week!! I had a really similar reaction to Gonal-F it pretty much made me comatose the entire time I was taking it. Naps are pretty awesome though, so I'll take that as a side effect any day!!

    1. Naps are awesome! Yes, I agree, one of the best side effects.

  4. Hope that this cycle goes smoothly and the eggs all cooperate! I hate people who try to compare "things" to wanting to have a baby. Totally different ballpark people! Lol Glad you and your hubby had such a good conversation!

  5. Yeah for 11 mm lining and good follies! Good luck with the IUI!

  6. *giggle* My husband is the maths/engineer person in our family too...and sometimes it is so frustrating! But I love him dearly. :)

    Good luck with your IUI on Tuesday! Keeping you in my thoughts!

    1. Thanks Heather! LOL yea they are frustrating some times.

  7. I really like your feelings-calculus comparison, except I think I could also extend it to "theories about how to improve the game of football/baseball/basketball" etc...!

    1. He is a baseball fan too and has used many baseball analogies.

  8. Here from ICLW. Good luck with your IUI!!! Thinking positive thoughts :)

  9. Great results... cheering you on for your IUI from Oz :) Love the chat you guys had... makes sense to me and sounds like you're so lucky to have him beside you. Thinking of you xoxo

  10. Oooh, best of luck for your IUI today! And I can relate so much on you conversation, my husband is just the same, mathematical and rational thinking. I'm the emotional one.
    Here from ICLW.

    1. Thanks Marwil! I think a lot of our hubbies are very rational thinkers. Mathematical thinkers make it even more fun. ;)

  11. Good luck today. I am thinking off you x x x

  12. Hello from ICLW!

    My husband sounds exactly like your husband. He's very logical and rational - very left-brained, as our therapist puts it. I'm pretty much the opposite. At first it really upset me that he wasn't understanding my feelings, but now I know it isn't because he doesn't want to, it's because he can't.

    Good luck with the IUI. I hope this is the one for you! *crosses fingers*

    1. Thank you Jenny! It really upset me at first too, but after lots of conversations and changing the way I react we finally are figuring out how to understand each other.

  13. I hope things are going great today! Good luck!

  14. Greetings from ICLW!

    Hope the trigger shot went swimmingly!

    I'm not sure if it was the follistim or the menapur but I'm like you - after a few days I turned into my obese cat and an inspiring breeze or sunbeam could put me into a coma.

    I love the people who compare it to wanting something material. "yes, yes! brilliant! You get me! If I only had enough money I would be able to.. oh wait..."

    Also, our husbands might be twins. Mine is computer-geeky and understands things in those terms waaaay better.

    1. Thanks hon! My Hubby is a computer-geeky too. He is all kinds of geeky LOL! Love this! "I turned into my obese cat and an inspiring breeze or sunbeam could put me into a coma." Totally true!

  15. Aww, I love that snippet of your conversation with your DH. Husband analogies are awesome. My DH is a coach so his analogies are often sports related -- they're great.

    1. Yea the Hubby analogies are awesome! They get you thinking in a different way.

  16. Don't know how to edit my post, but I also wanted to wish you luck for your IUI!

  17. Just wanted to pop in to say hello and that you are on my mind this evening! I'm over here thinking all kinds of positive, sticky thoughts about those lil guys burrowing into that nice fluffy 11mm lining! Sticky thoughts? Hmmm. That doesn't sound right. Well, you know what I mean! ;)

    1. Well, first finding the egg, THEN eventually burrowing. Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself here:)

    2. Thank you Kate! You totally made me LOL!

  18. Really hopeful for you. Glad that your husband has some bit of understanding about how you are dealing with family, fertility, and friends.


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