Wednesday, August 15, 2012

prayer request

A very close family friend, he is as close as an uncle, was just diagnosed yesterday with leukemia. He will be starting chemo today. He needs to be closely monitored because the leukemia has apparently already attacked his kidneys and heart and once he starts chemo things can get much worse before they get better.

Please send prayers, good thoughts, light or whatever you do for him. He doesn't have any kids of his own and I know he will be a great uncle to ours just as he has been to me. Praying so hard he sticks around to meet our little one.


  1. little one(s) definately need a good uncle. (I still get so excited to say that on your blog!). Sending a lot of prayers and warms wishes your family's way!

    1. Thanks for making me smile with getting excited like that :) and thank you for the prayers.

  2. Lots and Lots of positive thoughts are being send your and your uncle's way :)

  3. Thinking of your "adopted" uncle. May his treatments be just what he needs and not too harsh on him.

  4. Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this news - my thoughts are with you, and him, and all of his loved ones.

  6. It is so saddening to hear such news like this. My prayers are with you and this uncle. God bless!

  7. Thoughts and prayers to your uncle (I too have family friends that are just too close to be "friends" anymore -- am therefore going with "your uncle" since he is family) along with you and your entire family -- is there an address (email or snail mail) that supportive cards/etc could be sent to? Or is it too early to ask? Lots of positive prayers being sent your way!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! If you would like to email me I can send you my address or I will forward emails to him. So sweet of you!

  8. So sorry to hear about your family friend. : ( My Grandma was diagnosed with leukemia about 15 years ago...she will be turning 90 on October 29th and is still going strong. I will keep your friend/uncle in my prayers for strength and a positive reaction to the chemo.

  9. Thinking of him and you, every day.


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