Tuesday, March 6, 2012

march photo challenge: challenge

Today's prompt is challenge

I had no idea what the heck I was gonna do for this and all of a sudden it hit me while I was making breakfast.

This is my challenge!

Yes, Bananas. You are probably confused.

I have a love/hate relationship with bananas. Sometimes I love them and can eat them for a while and then there are times that it hits me all of a sudden and I can't eat them with out gagging on the texture and flavor. This then usually lasts a few months. I have no idea why this happens.

I don't want to eat the same fruit every day. I can only handle so many apples, grapes and strawberries. I sometimes get pineapple and watermelon I get in season. A lot of other berries are just so darn expensive. I can't eat honeydew or cantaloupe because it makes my mouth feel fuzzy.

So I buy bananas for the Hubby and they stare at me every day. Why can't I get over this? I decided to try them in stuff. I tried peanut butter and banana sandwiches. They were good, but not a favorite. I tried putting them in smoothies, but they always ended up overpowering everything else. I kinda just made up my own recipes Then I found 100 healthy snack ideas link on someones blog (sorry I can't remember who) In those snack ideas is a smoothie. It has banana and spinach which is a bonus because it is so good for you! I tried it this morning and Oh my gosh it is so good! And I can hardly taste the banana! I guess this is the best way for me to eat them. Next I am going to try a green smoothie recipe that I found on The Cornfed Feminist's blog. This one had banana and spinach in it too.

Hopefully I will find other ways of getting them into my diet. Anyone have any ideas?


  1. I love green smoothies! Could you make them into muffins? :).

    1. Muffins are always good! Lol I feel like I'm eating a cupcake though. I will have to get over that.

  2. Banana bread! Lol, I always have a baking answer.

    Dice em up and throw em in oatmeal of frozen yogurt!

    1. Yea I love banana bread, I make it at least once a month, but it feels more like a dessert to me. I could have it as a snack.

    2. O and that is a good idea on oatmeal. I know I don't like them on cold cereal, maybe oatmeal will work. Mmmm frozen yogurt. Thanks for the ideas!

  3. I have the same problem trying to eat the same fruits over and over!

    For some reason your posts aren't showing up in my reader! :( I thought, Emily hasn't posted in a while so I came to your page and now I'm catching up!

    1. That sucks. Is it Google reader? That is the only one I use now. It is so much better than the blogger reader. I still can't reply from any computer so I use my phone now!

  4. Aprivak has a great idea. I had not had banana bread until I visited Australia last year. While we were there I was OBSESSED! I think I must have had it for breakfast every morning the whole time we were there. I find if you use frozen ones in smoothies they are slightly less overpowering. Or I only use half and use more of something else.

    1. Yea, when I make banana bread I can't stop eating it! I will have to try them frozen. Thanks for the tip.

  5. You can kinda taste the banana in the smoothies I do, but the peanut butter is the strongest flavor, I think.

    1. Thanks for the info. It's ok if I taste it I just don't want to taste nothing but banana. Maybe I will add a little extra peanut butter for good measure.

  6. I'm the opposite of you! Bananas are about the only fruit I enjoy. And they are definitely the only one I eat on a regular.


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