Sunday, January 1, 2012

eww & yay!

Yesterday morning, New Years Eve, was my CD 3 US and blood work. As I was sitting in the waiting room I was wondering if they could see my ovaries without using the magic wand. I mean in the back of my mind I knew they were gonna have to go that route, but I guess a part of me wanted it to not be true cuz, um, eww! I know, I know, I can hear a bunch of you out there saying just wait till you are on that delivery table and you have lots of hands and other things going in you and lots of blood and who knows what else coming out with all the world to see! I know and I will be ready for that when the time comes, but for now this was my first test of any kind while bleeding and it was just a little gross.

So after I got my blood drawn I was brought to my room and told to undress from the waist down. I just sighed and had to remind her to put down a piddle pad (that's what I call them cuz my MIL uses them for her dogs) so I wouldn't make a mess. The covering doc came in and obviously didn't read my chart cuz she said "So you are here for your CD 3 to start BC for your next cycle?" I was like, "Um, no I am supposed to be starting clomid possibly today" She smiled and said "Good that is so much more exciting." And in went the magic wand. Cervix and uterus looked good. Lefty was easy to find and actually had a follicle starting! Righty always likes to hide so they have to dig. It's not painful at all, but sometimes it feels like they hit a nerve or something (I have no idea what could do this) and I get strange twinges all around inside. It is hard to describe almost like a numb pins and needles feeling is strange places. They have told me before it is nothing to worry about. Anyone else get that? So everything looked good and I would get a call later with the results of my blood work.

I figured I would have some time before they called so I ran out to the grocery store to grab a couple last minute things. They called while I was in the middle of checking out! The store was busy and the people behind me didn't like that I was on the phone, but I didn't care. My blood work was perfect an I was to start the clomid that night, New Years Eve! I started to tear up a bit and I wanted to yell and dance around, but there were grumpy people staring at me so I held it together till I got home. When I walked in the door a friend was already here so I whispered in the Hubby's ear that I can start clomid. He just smiled and gave me a kiss.

I rang in the New Year with clomid in my system hopefully doing wonderful things to my ovaries! Wednesday night will be my last dose and I go back on Saturday for blood work and an US to see my follicles growing! She said then it all depends on what they find. We could end up triggering Saturday night or wait a few days. Oh my gosh this is really happening! I still can't believe we are actually finally here! YAY!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!
*raises glass*  May 2012 find you healthy, surrounded by loved ones, with peace in your heart and mind and please, please let there be lots of babies! CHEERS!!! *clink*


  1. Yay!  That's very exciting!  Hope everything works out in your favor and you have a wonderful (as can be) IUI shortly.

  2. I hope it is just the start of wonderful things to come! Happy New Year!

  3. Starting on New Year sounds like a very good sign!  I so hope this cycle goes perfectly and that you have good news in another 3.5ish weeks!

  4. Hoping you have at least one good follicle maybe two or three.  Good luck!

  5. YAY! I hope time flies and you have a BFP in your future!

    Excited to see what 2012 brings you :)

  6. Thanks Audrey! I am trying to connect your name to your blog, but I can't. Do you have one?

  7. Thanks! My Hubby keeps joking that we are gonna have 6 follicles and they are all gonna work so I will have a litter! LOL!

  8. Yes I hope time flies. I am trying to figure out things to do during my 2ww.

  9. Congrats on starting clomid!! Isn't it so stressful just getting those pills in your hand? I finished my last Clomid pill's hoping this is a good cycle for both of us! Good luck!

  10. oh you will fill it!! Clomid made my ovaries sing and I knew exactly when I was ovulating!!!

  11. fill it?? feeeeeeeel it!

  12. LOL! Yea I am starting to feel the clomid working, I think.

  13. So exciting!!!
    After having been wanded more times than I can count, I still don't like it when I'm still bleeding. Eeew, but yea, I'm sure they are totally used to it. I too get the twinges or pangs when they are digging around. But more often if they really have to tilt the wand up high, it hits my clitoris in a painful way. :( Thankfully not for long, but I still almost jump!
    I Hope your side effects aren't too bad! Can't wait to read more!


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